Subtle Body Anatomy 50 Hour Online Course:
You're invited to dive deep into yogic subtle body theory and practices.
This course is part of the core curriculum for our 300 hour teacher training program.
Receive Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit for this course.
At a certain point, your study of yoga anatomy has to go beyond the muscular-skeletal relationship to asana.
The body must not be viewed as a piecmeal entity made of organs and bodily systems, but instead must be understood as a whole, complete structure.
The Study of Yoga inevitably leads to the Subtle Body.

By the End Of This Course You Will Be Able To:
√ Take your teaching to the next level. Shift your yoga teaching from the physical and theoretical to directly addressing subtle body layers of being in your students. This will help you offer a truly empowering and impactful class.
√ Confidently Answer Student Questions about Chakras, Kundalini, Energy Movement, and Prana
√ Know Where To Point Students (and Yourself) When Exploring Questions related to the Subtle Body (Such as dream interpretation and mediation questions)
√ Go from skimming the surface on subtle body topics on social media and in your 200 training, to integrating this knowledge so that you can apply it when things inevitably come up in your physical and subtle body.
√ Understand the energetic root of what is manifesting physically and emotionally in your life, so that you can shift patterns and dissolve suffering.
√ Know the directions that energy flows through the energetic channels in the body so you can purposefully direct your life force toward manifesting desired states of being.
You Will Learn:
√ Chakra, Kosha, and Nadi Subtle Body Models
√ Traditional Jyotish and Astrology connections to the body (Introduciton to Medical Astrology)
√ The Anatomy of Yogic Unfoldment in terms of the Ajna doorway
√ Hasta and Pada (Hand and Foot) connections to nadis and organs
√ Subtle Body Connections with Physical Organs
√ The Currents and Energetic Loops of the Body

Why Study the Subtle Body?
The Subtle Body is a general term for the forms energy takes as related to the physical body.
From the lens of yoga, the physical structure of the body is only one aspect of your being. In addition to the flesh, bones, and blood corresponding to your physical form, you also have layers of your being involving mind, consciousness, emotion, energy, and the response to inner and outer sensation.
To understand the relationship between the physical and the subtle is a key part of yoga.
When you study the models of the subtle body, you gain the knowledge necessary to understand various states you experience in yoga and meditation.
Having knowledge of the subtle body also helps you to deliberately open to key parts of your being. Subtle body knowledge will help you point yourself and your students toward resources when subtle body questions inevitably arise in your yoga teaching.

Course Structure
In the course of 9 weeks, you’ll learn…
The Tattvic Structure of Reality and Form, The Sun and Moon
Explore the tattvas as well as the energetic system of binaries that dominates your physical being.
Introduction to Medical Astrology
Learn the basics of medical astrology, especially concerning the Mars and Saturn forces and how they regulate energy and form in the body.
Prana and Form
Learn about how the body receives prana, as well as some of the energetic ways in which prana travels (vayus, loops, and currents).
The Anatomy of Awakening
Learn some of the physiological and energetic tendencies of the body when engaged in prolonged yoga practice. Review the chakras and koshas.
Organs, Emotions, and the Process of Letting Go
Learn about some of the emotional centers in the body, as well as practices for somatic release among these energy lines.
Hands and Feet
Study hasta mudra (energetic seals and hand gestures), as well as some of the energy channels through the hands and feet. Connect acupressure with the yoga nadis.
Subtle Body in Light and Sound
Connect with other forms of subtle anatomy through the sister sciences in sacred geometry: Vastu, astrology, mantra. Earth as a doorway.
Incorporating Subtle Body Practice into Your Teaching
Connect to some simple methods for planning practices that energetically align. Learn about the importance of rest for subtle body integration.
Present your own lesson or personal practice and receive support and feedback
Even if you’re catching the replays due to scheduling or time zone conflicts, I am still here to be a resource for you. You will receive full support via email, Zoom, and/or phone as you continue. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or comments as you move through the course. I am here to help!
This is a weekly, live training taking place via Zoom and available via recording afterward. Classes will take place Wednesdays at 9am Pacific Time. Replays available for those with schedule conflicts.
We will start in December 2024.
Once I receive your registration, you’ll receive a confirmation from me confirming dates and letting you know what to expect next.
COST: $1288
This course is for you if:
√ You are a yoga teacher who wants to continue your yoga exploration, education, and training (or are in our 300 hour program).
√ You are a Reiki master, holistic practitioner, yoga teacher, or other energy specialist who wants to understand more about the human energy body
√ You are an AstroYoga practitioner and are ready to deepen your awareness of the subtle body
√ Something inside you sees the course content and reverberates a resounding ‘yes!’
Meet Your Guide
International School of AstroYoga founder Emily Ridout has been working in this field since 2009. Her passion for the astrology-mind-body connection led her to publish AstroYoga for an Aquarian Age and to establish membership programs where ordinary people can come together to access the wisdom of the stars. She holds an M.A. and B.A. in Folklore, and her work has been featured in Reader's Digest, Well + Good, Women's Health, and Yoga Journal. She loves sharing AstroYoga intel during group sessions and also highlighting the work of other AstroYoga practitioners.